Bird and art lovers, heads-up!

Magpies, kingfishers and hoopoes will take center stage during special guided visits (in Italian) to the “Of roosters and hens, hoopoes, owls and other animals. Toni Zuccheri at the Bagatti Valsecchi Museum” exhibit. On two Sundays (September 22 and 29, 3:30 PM), museum guides will be flanked by an expect ornithologist – a LIPU volunteer – for a truly unique visit of Toni Zuccheri’s sensitive glass and natural materials renderings of birds.

LIPU, the Italian non-profit for the protection of birds, is an important association active in all of Italy with the goal of conserving and taking care of biodiversity in addition to promoting an ecolological culture in Italy.

These two appointments have been designed to offer a richer experience during the visit, one which focusses on not just the art history aspects of the works in the exhibit, but also on the characteristics and types of behavior of the animals depicted. You’ll discover, for example, what owls eat and where hoopoes make their nests, and will enter into closer contact with the world that Toni Zuccheri loved and knew so well.

Our vision is one of a world rich with biodiversity, in which people live in harmony with nature, in a equitable and sostenible way. Our mission is the conservation of wild birds, their habitats and biodiversity, as well as the spreading of an ecological culture by involving people and encouraging volunteerism.
We are a non-profit organization, officially recognized by the president of the Italian republic, we are a national environmental association recognized by the Ministry of the Environment, we are in organization able to carry out scientific research, inscribed since 1997 in the national list of research entities at the Ministry of Universities and Scientific Research and Technology.
We are a non-profit organization, the Italian partner of BirdLife International.

Parallel guided visits – In Italian
Sunday, September 22 and 29, 2019, at 3:30 PM
Reservations are obligatory, writing to
The cost of the guided visit is included in the price of the entrance ticket (10 Euro).

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