Do you want to be sure to say the right thing in any situation, whether in Italian, English, or in any other language?

Come usare le parole giuste in qualsiasi occasione” (How to say the right thing in any situation) will be presented (in Italian) at the Bagatti Valsecchi Museum thanks to the Friends of the Bagatti Valsecchi Museum Association on the 2nd of December, at 6:30 PM CET-Central European Time, and will be available on the museum’s Facebook page.

The art of speaking well isn’t just making oneself understood by others, but is also a nexus of rules that are the foundation for having a good conversation and for being a successful public speaker. So, what characterizes a good orator? What are the rules we should follow when we speak?

This book by Samuele Briatore, the president of the Italian Academy of Good Manners (Accademia Italiana di Galateo), is an essential guide to good communication habits starting with an analysis of the context, then the origins of storytelling and its social function to the gauging of the voice and posture depending on the situation. Obviously, it doesn’t overlook the importance of emotions as an essential component of a conversation, an element that is capable of eliciting empathy in the listener. In effect, the book is a weighty look at the fascinating world of rhetoric in order to learn to dominate all the aspects of speaking and to find ourselves at ease in any situation.

“Come usare le parole giuste in qualsiasi occasione” (How to say the right thing in any situation)
Together with the author, a presentation in Italian of the book in Italian
Wednesday, December 2, 2020, 6:30 PM CET-Central European Time
The discussion is hosted on the Facebook* page of the Bagatti Valsecchi Museum – Link

*To follow the presentation, it is NOT necessary to have a Facebook account. Just click on the link provided above.

For information:
T +0039 342 323 1016

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